Category: Gaming

  • TOR: Conquest

    TOR: Conquest

    Imperial domination! There is more than just having to deal with squabbling pirates, or even Revanites on Yavin IV. It took a combined effort of all forces to capture Section X for the glory of the Ordo banner. The Dread Guard, and the Republic was no match for the combined strength of the Imperial forces…

  • TOR: The Ravagers

    TOR: The Ravagers

    The might of the Empire was put to the test on a little pirate haven world on the planet Rishi. With the forces of the Empire gathered to face a new threat rising to the galaxy, a quick put down of a pirate gang was in order that was coming up to the challenge. Ordo…

  • Ark: Survival Evolved

    Ark: Survival Evolved

    With the early access release to the highly anticipated island survival game, Ark: Survival Evolved, the Ordo Imperialis has launched an open, dedicated server to bring together tribes and survivors alike. From the start, the server has expanded, remained up to date, stable and fairly friendly with plenty of survivors participating, leveling and surviving and have…

  • Wildstar: Broodmother Beaten

    Wildstar: Broodmother Beaten

    Ordo Imperialis, after a brief battle with roster reinforcements was forced to retreat back to a more civilized server. The Legion was quickly able to conscript a group of trained centurions, and has pushed back into the pit of the Dreadphage Ohmna where they were victorious in slaying the broodmother. Next battle transmissions: Breaking into…