Black November

Ordo Imperialis, Titan 2009 – 2010

As many of you are likely aware, November 5th marks the date of seven years since the Ordo Imperialis’ banner was first to rise upon the battlefield. Small at the time, but strong, dedicated and loyal to a greater cause. Seven long years of history have passed since those days, behind us we create our score in history. Today is a day for remembrance; Remembrance of our past, our legacy, those comrades who have since moved on, or continue to serve under the standard of the Imperator.

The memories of one of this group’s annual chapters comes to a close and shall also come to mind, along with what became one of our more defining moments as this group faced a choice with new generations: Evolve, or fade into the halls of memory.

We’ve served difficult times, but together survived beyond them. We have always possessed the ability to overcome any challenge ahead of us, for impossible is not a word we entertain—the impossible fight is the only one worth our efforts. Through our perseverance, we have pursued perfection, we continue to pursue perfection, and we will always pursue perfection: excellence is our hallmark. Without exception, we have and will embody it.

We are proud to be part of the Ordo Imperialis and proud of you all. You all are what make this group strong and this community a great place to behold. We welcome you into another year of the Ordo. Fly that banner high and with honor.

“To you, soldiers of the Ordo Imperialis, old and new. Never forget the dignity and grace in which you enter combat, never allow yourself to waver or to lose yourselves to lesser emotions such as anger, envy, or hate. Always proudly bear your armor, and never sully it. Stay true to the tennets of the Ordo Imperialis, to your allies around you, with whom you serve every day. And without, there would be no Ordo to serve in. ” – Taffa Markova, Ret. Praefectus






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